As we officially prepare to enter the summer season, it's always nice to remind people that there are, in fact, a bunch of beers that tend to accompany the warm weather and sunny days. As I'm sure you're all well-aware, I love my summers to be full of hops! Well, refreshing hops, at least. Anyways, without further adieu, I present the Dylan Katz "Best Beers of Summer" list (complete with BeerAdvocate profiles!):
1) Long Trail Belgian White: This is always going to be one of my favorite summer sippers. Strong, citrusy lemon flavors and a decent degree of sweetness make this an incredibly refreshing witbier, perfect for those days where you need something to help stave off the scorching heat. Unfortunately, we can't get it out here in Wisconsin, but for those on the East Coast--this beer is a must have. Check out the reviews here.
2) Southern Tier Hopsun: By far and away, my absolute #1 summer seasonal. If you've had Three Floyds Gumballhead, you'll be sure to love this hoppy wheat beer. Sweet, citrus notes do a great job of accompanying a heavy hops background. I always pick up a case of this whenever it comes out, and was thrilled to find this beer in Madison! With my six-pack of Southern Tier in hand, I'm all set for a day of R&R. Check it out!
3) Ithaca Brewing Co.'s Flower Power: Ah, yes, one of IBC's finest brews. The first time I had this, I was blown away--a very heavy, grapefruit flavor combined with a perfect balance of hops and malt. Absolutely phenomenal, and right at the top of my list of best IPAs in the US. Unfortunately, it's not available in Madison (they don't extend out past Ohio), but if you can get...you simply cannot go wrong. BA has the scoop on this one!
4) Brute, from IBC: By now, if you haven't figured out my love affair with Ithaca Brewing Co., now's as good a time as ever to take a hint--Brute is an "American Wild Ale" that is definitely not for the feint of heart. Lovers of Flemish Sour Ales and Lambics will have no problem downing this one, which is sour, highly carbonated, and has a wonderful fruitiness to it...a combination of apples, lemon and maybe even pear. If you can find this rare, 22oz monster--PICK IT UP! It's wonderful.
5) Unibroue Éphémère: Ah, the last of the best--another fantastically refreshing beer. Brewed with apples, this moderately carbonated beer is the ideal accompaniment to a meal of burgers and brats on a hot, sunny day. Oh, and the best part? You can get it pretty much anywhere in the US! More info...here!