Well, looks like it's time for another weekly update from the world of brewing:
Preparations are underway in Chicago for the Brewers Association's Annual Craft Beer Conference. This year, it will take place from April 7-10 and will feature some terrific workshops, keynote speakers and of course...plenty of beer. Unfortunately, due to work, I will be unable to attend this year's conference, but if you can afford it...GO! More information available here.
The Indiana House of Representatives has passed a bill that will allow--wait for it--for the sale of carryout beer from Indiana's microbreweries on Sundays! A huge victory for our friends at Three Floyds, Upland Brewing, and all the other great breweries in Indiana. Check it out!
Oskar Blues Brewery, one of the pioneers of selling awesome canned craft beers, has announced its newest seasonal brew (and one we'll hopefully get to taste at the Hops and Props festival Saturday)--GUBNA, a double-IPA tipping the scales at nearly 10% ABV. BeerAdvocate has the story.
That's it for this week's 'Brews in the News.' Be sure to visit on Sunday, when we upload our latest podcast, recapping the Hops and Props beer festival from Oshkosh, WI. Here's the official website for the festival, if you'd like more info.
That was on Craft Beer Radio last week! GUBNA! Let's try a Craft Can horizontal tasting. I'm interested in what a quality canned brew tastes like.