Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Title Says It All: "A Delicious Free-for-All"

How can I get an assignment like this for the New York Times?

Post if you've tried any of these dandies. I'm in love with Maudite (Chip, the one I had from the famous "unibrow," err.... I mean Unibroue brewery in Quebec). The only other one I've tried is Duvel, but not since I started getting into craft beer. I think I probably left one of these half-finished at Pub Night, or even (cringe) played a game of beer pong or two with it.... shame.

I am giddy that this is currently the #2 most emailed article on the Times website. More interest in beer => more demand for good brews => more great craft brewers in the market => so many more good options to sample. Win.


  1. As someone who's had almost all of those, I've got to say--pretty decent selection. If you like Duvel, I highly suggest checking out Ommegang's beers (they're brewed in NY but owned by Duvel).

    Best Unibroue IMO would be Ephemere, which truly cannot be beat when it comes to the need for a truly refreshing beer!

  2. Duvel is alright. I can dig more on Paraat. It's not inaccessible (Hop Heads would abhore this casual double negative, but I can't sing praises to IPAs yet). And it certainly reps the artisanship of Belgian brews. Drinkers beware: it will knock you out if you're not careful... 10% ABV!
